I currently use an imac at work, and will have to say the fonts and rendering on OSx are absolutely stunning. I simply cannot work on my Linux box after a long days work staring at a Mac screen. I had to do something about this, and so when i updated to Ubunty Hardy Heron i Googled around to see if i could get Xft support for Emacs. The awesome
EmacsWiki page for Xft told me that if i had Hardy emacs came with Xft support inbuilt. So it was just a matter of
sudo apt-get install emacs-snapshot-gtk
echo "Emacs.font: Monospace-10" > .Xresources
Presto!! Emacs with all the Xft goodness.
Below is a screenshot of my current system with Emacs and urxvt also with Xft enabled.
Update 1/12/2008:
My imac has crashed..switched to Ubuntu Hardy on an IBM R60..sigh!!